Friday, May 29, 2009

Foto Friday

Happy Friday all!

I've spotted a few ospreys around the Boise area lately and thought I would post a photo of one.

This particular osprey was seen in north Idaho near the small town of Sagle. The photo was snapped just as it was about to land on a nest. We parked the car close to the nest and watched them flying to and from the water hunting for fish.

Any great weekend plans? We might visit a local waterfall. Not sure how impressive it is, but I will post photos if they turn out well.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Foto Friday Returns!

Hello all!

Since this weekend is the really the kick-off of the summer camping season, I am going to post two photos from one of my favorite camping experiences. We went on a three day backpacking trip in the Seven Devils Mountains in Central Idaho.

The lake little lake in the photo below is Lower Cannon Falls, where we camped the first night. One side of the lake is against a talis pile (hillside of loose rock). All day and night long we listened to the pikas scurrying around in the rock. Those little guys are so fast that we never were able to get a clear photo of them, but here is a link to the wikipedia Pika page where you can find a photo.

The second night we hiked 1,000 feet higher and camped at Upper Cannon Falls. We only had to hike a couple miles, but due to the change in elevation and the fact that we didn't follow a trail for most of the day, our hike took most of the day. Once we got to the lake the views were definitely worth it! As we rounded the last bend and the lake came into view, I saw butterflies fluttering above and skimming the top of the lake. Fish were actually jumping out of the water attempting to catch the butterflies! I'd never seen anything like it before!
The photo below is the view from our tent at Upper Cannon Lake.

Friday, May 15, 2009

San Francisco Vacation

Greetings all!

Foto Friday will return next week. :) We've been busy vacationing and playing catch up. Now that things are quieting down again, I have time for a new blog post.
The first few days we were in San Francisco it was foggy, and this was the best shot we could get of the Golden Gate Bridge. We just had to take a photo of it - a trip to San Francisco just isn't complete without one! :)

And of course on our walk, we just had to stop by Fisherman's Wharf to see the barking sea lions. One of the plaques said that there are between 100 and up to 1,000 sea lions at the wharf at all times! Most of them were sleeping, like the ones below, however there were a few that barked non-stop.

This Madagascar Giant Day Gecko was at the California Academy of Sciences in the Golden Gate State Park. I love how vibrant the colors are!

The below photo is of the Palace of Fine Arts. It looks spectacular lit up at night! We're not the only ones that think so either. When we arrived to take this photo, there were about ten other people here taking photos also!

Do any of you have favorite or fun places you like to spend vacations? We would love to hear about your stories. We're always looking for new places to travel to.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Foto Friday

Happy May Day!

This post is going to be very short because we are currently getting ready to leave on vacation! :)
A simple, pink rose - I couldn't think of a more appropriate photo for May Day. Have a wonderful weekend all!