This weekend we attended a bald eagle presentation at the MK Nature Center in downtown Boise, Idaho and hoped to spot some bald eagles in the wild along the Boise River. Alas, no bald eagles were to be seen. The weather was being so uncooperative that day with cloudy dark skies and constant drizzle, so even if we did spot an eagle, any photos we would have taken wouldn't have turned out. Next weekend is Bald Eagle Days, and hopefully the weather will be much better for taking photos. We are sure to see many different kinds of raptors then!
After the bald eagle presentation we walked along the river. We were a bit disappointed that we didn't get any good photos over the weekend when all of a sudden we spotted a female downy woodpecker right next to us on the trail! Justin whipped out his camera and snapped a few shots before she flew away.